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2013-10-10 10:14  


    1975年12月生,数理教研室副教授。2009年毕业于第四军医大学获得生物医学工程专业博士学位,2011—2012年在美国Stevens Institute of Technology大学从事博士后研究。2010年获得第四军医大学“青年英才支持计划”的第二层次的资助。主讲《大学物理学》等课程,参编教材6部。



    [1]   Tao L, Li X, Zhang L, Tian J, Li X, Sun X, Li X, Jiang L, Zhang X, Chen J. Protective effect of tetrahydroxystilbene glucoside on 6-OHDA-induced apoptosis in PC12 cells through the ROS-NO pathway. PLoS One. 2011;6(10):e26055. (Corresponding author)

    [2]   Zhang X,Yang J, Li Y, Liu S, Long K, Zhao Q, Zhang Y, Deng Z, Jin Y. Functional neovascularization in tissue engineering with porcine acellular dermal matrix and human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Tissue Eng Part C Methods. 2011; 17(4): 423-33.

    [3]   Liu S, Zhang H, Zhang X, Lu W, Huang X, Xie H, Zhou J, Wang W, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Deng Z, Jin Y. Synergistic angiogenesis promoting effects of extracellular matrix scaffolds and adipose-derived stem cells during wound repair. Tissue Eng Part A. 2011;17(5-6):725-39.

    [4]   Yang Z, Jin F, Zhang X, Liu X, Zhang Y, Liu J, Duan Y, Jin Y. A novel possible strategy based on self-assembly approach to achieve complete periodontal regeneration. Artif Organs. 2010;34(7):603-9. (Co-first author)

    [5]   Wang W, Zhang M, Lu W, Zhang X, Ma D, Rong X, Yu C, Jin Y. Cross-linked Collagen–Chondroitin Sulfate–Hyaluronic Acid Imitating Extracellular Matrix as Scaffold for Dermal Tissue Engineering. Tissue Eng Part C Methods. 2010;16(2):269-79.

    [6]   Zhang X, Deng Z, Wang H, Yang Z, Guo W, Li Y, Ma D, Yu C, Zhang Y, Jin Y. Expansion and delivery of human fibroblasts on micronized acellular dermal matrix for skin regeneration. Biomaterials. 2009;30(14):2666-74.

    [7]   Yang Z, Jin F, Zhang X, Ma D, Han C, Huo N, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Lin Z, Jin Y. Tissue engineering of cementum/periodontal-ligament complex using a novel three-dimensional pellet cultivation system for human periodontal ligament stem cells. Tissue Eng Part C Methods. 2009; 15(4): 571-81. (Co-first author)

    [8]   Yang ZH, Zhang XJ, Dang NN, Ma ZF, Xu L, Wu JJ, Sun YJ, Duan YZ, Lin Z, Jin Y. Apical tooth germ cell-conditioned medium enhances the differentiation of periodontal ligament stem cells into cementum/periodontal ligament-like tissues. J Periodontal Res. 2009;44(2):199-210.

    [9]   Ma D, Ma Z, Zhang X, Wang W, Yang Z, Zhang M, Wu G, Lu W, Deng Z, Jin Y.  Effect of aging and extrinsic microenvironment on the proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of rat dental pulp stem cells in vitro. J Endod. 2009; 35(11):1546-53.

    [10] Guo W, He Y, Zhang X, Lu W, Wang C, Yu H, Liu Y, Li Y, Zhou Y, Zhou J, Zhang M, Deng Z, Jin Y. The use of dentin matrix scaffold and dental follicle cells for dentin regeneration. Biomaterials. 2009;30(35):6708-23.

    [11] Zhang X, Zhang J, Qu X, Wen J. Effects of different extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields on osteoblasts. Electromagn Biol Med. 2007;26(3):167-77.

    [12] Zhang JB, Zhang XJ. Communication between osteoblasts stimulated by electromagnetic fields. Chinese science bulletin, 2007; 52(1):98-100.




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